Leg Filter (Thin - Hip Girth Under 28cm)

Product Description
Thin Wedge Compensation Filter is made of a lead-plastic material that is 30% lead by weight. Since lead is an efficient absorber of x-rays, the filters will attenuate the x-ray beam. By varying the shape and thickness of the filters, many combinations of filtering action can be achieved from almost complete attenuation to full penetration.
CLEAR-Pb® Filters should be used with a rare-earth film/screen combination to improve image quality and keep patient exposure to a minimum. CLEAR-Pb® Compensation Filters are not compatible with gradient speed intensifying screens. Consult your film manufacturer for the proper film/screen combination.
Used for:
- AP scanograms, for determination of long-leg length discrepancies
Filter Benefits
- Improve image quality
- Filters are 30% lead by weight
- Reduce the need for multiple exposures
- Ensure a more uniform image density
- Reduce patient exposure by selectively attenuating the x-ray
- Lightweight, easy to use
- Mounts to any collimator
- Collimator light field is never blocked
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